Thursday 21 April 2016

New Beginnings Still the Old Self

Just transferred to another new office.

Been telling myself to be humble and lay low. Coz the new place is big and filled with people. You never know who is watching you, who is eavesdropping. But... me being me. Arrogant...short temper. A lot of time not knowingly that I had hurt someone else's feelings.

I asked to transfer because there is no future for me in the old office. If I stayed there, I will grow old and retired there. No up, just stagnant there.

Here, this new place is full of challenges and traps and risks.... Yes, super itchy backside to ask to transfer here. I need to move out of my comfort zone and face the bitchy world. I need to feed my family. I want my family to have a comfortable life.

I must keep reminding myself to be caution every single day. Yes, it's tiring, but it's an unknown workplace, not easy to blend in. Especially, I am a bad ass.